"Whole Decalogue is awesome, but first, fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth episode are my favourite :)"
"I was surprised too because in many movie rankings are Rules of the Game on the top. But as I wrote it, this ranking is represantation of subjective opnion of authors of the book."
"Yes I know about it :) But there are so many movies I want to see. I saw whole Kieslowski's Decalogue during this weekend for example. By the way I really like your movie lists :)"
"The value of these movies is based on votes of users of czech web about movies www.csfd.cz "
"Thank you! If you want to see I made special list for every year of Academy Award Nomination."
"Hello, I have read more books written by Albert Camus. In my opinion the most engaging is The Plague. But The Stranger is also very good."